دعوة المخلوق إلى النظام والمكان والغرض الذي من أجله خلقه الله.
يا أيها الثالوث الأقدس ، بشفاعة مريم ، أمنا ، اسمح لنا بالدخول في مشيئتك. خذنا بيدك وضعنا في عظمة إرادتك ، حتى يكون كل عملنا ثمرةً لإرادتك المقدسة. نرغب ، أيها الآب ، أن تكون جميع أعمالنا في هذا اليوم ، الطبيعية والروحية ، لتحقيق حياة مشيئتك ، لتنمو فينا وفي كنيستك ، لتكون صلاة مستمرة تكرر "ليأت ملكوتك، لتكن مشيئتك كما في السماء كذلك على الأرض ".
أمي ، أنا أحبك ، وأنت أحبّيني وأعطني رشفة من مشيئة الله لروحي ؛ أعطني بركتك ، حتى أتمكن من القيام بكل أفعالي تحت نظرك الأموميّ ".
Saint Hannibal di Francia was one of Luisa’s extraordinary Confessors. So inspired was he by the spirituality of Luisa’s writings that he founded two Religious Orders: the Rogationist Fathers and the Daughters of the Divine Zeal. He was beatified by Pope John Paul II on 7 October 1990, and canonized on 16 May 2004. In the later years of his life he composed the following simple chaplet to be said on Rosary Beads. Every day he prayed this chaplet, often more than once, especially in his last sickness.
O Most Holy Trinity,
Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us that as we pray we should ask that our Father’s Name be always glorified, that His Will be done on earth and that His Kingdom should come to reign among us.
In our great desire to make known this Kingdom of love, justice and peace, we humbly ask that You glorify your Servant Luisa, the Little Daughter of the Divine Will who, with her constant prayer and suffering, deeply yearned for the salvation of souls and the coming of God’s Kingdom in the world.
Following her example we pray to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to help us joyously embrace the crosses of this world so that we may also glorify Your Name and enter into the Kingdom of Your Will.